Saturday, June 09, 2007

Don't bother running, Chuck

Meanwhile, another guy who shouldn't bother running for president is Senator Chuck Hagel. While I appreciate his service in Vietnam and the fact that he has not blindly toed the GOP party line on Iraq, his principal criticism of the war is worse than stupid: that it has damaged our standing in the Middle East.
I hate to break it to you Senator, but:
1 - Our standing there was never great to begin with.
2 - If there is any place on earth whose opinion should mean the least to us, it's the Middle East. The values of Arab society are so utterly antithetical to our own and to modern civilization in general, that Arabs should be much more worried about how the rest of the world views them than should we.
You can hear Senator Hagel's full speech to the Council on Foreign Relations by downloading the podcast from the iTunes store.

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